Zimbrick Body Shops

Oct 7, 2022

Deer are especially active at this time of the year, making it important to stay alert and take steps to mitigate the risks. A collision with a deer could result in needing auto glass repair or auto glass replacement along with general body work. Reduce the risk of needing these repairs by following these deer safety tips. Come by Zimbrick Body Shop if your car crosses paths with a herd to let our technicians assess and repair any damage.

Deer Collision Season: How to Stay Safe on the Road

Keep Alert and Attentive

This tip goes for any driving situation, but when you’re driving during deer season, you need to stay especially alert. Don’t let distractions such as loud music or your cell phone take your attention off the road. If you start feeling yourself getting drowsy while you’re driving, pull over for a moment until you feel alert enough to drive safely.

Use Your Headlights Properly

Headlights allow you to see in dark and low-visibility conditions, making them an invaluable asset in spotting deer before they become a danger to you and your passengers. Make sure to turn your headlights on when you’re driving after dark or in weather conditions that limit your visibility. This will help you spot deer earlier so that you have more time to react appropriately.

Watch for the Rest of the Herd

When you see one deer, there’s almost certainly going to be more around. These animals travel in herds, so more deer are likely to follow the one you see crossing the road. Take it slow and watch for additional deer once the way is clear before continuing on ahead.

Get Auto Glass Repair and Auto Glass Replacement

If the worst-case scenario does occur and you have a collision with a deer, one of the most common repairs needed besides door and fender repairs will be a replacement for your windshield or other windows. It’s important to take care of these repairs promptly as driving with broken glass parts of your vehicle adds more danger to the drive.

Following this advice will help you steer clear of the risk that deer pose to drivers. In the event that you are involved in a collision with a deer, come to us to get the repairs you need. Come see us at Zimbrick Body Shop today!